Free WordPress Tab Plugins

You must be familiar with tabs. Tabbed sections on a website can be very convenient, it allows you to break up a lot of information and put it into one small space. Tab Plugins offer an easy user experience(users can simply click on a tab to view the content inside it). There are several quality…

How is MultiplySEO Service Helping Businesses Grow?

Do you want to know how MultiplySEO services will help your business grow? If yes, you have landed in the right place!  SEO services generally range from internet marketing, designing, and execution of different strategies to ranking at the top of various search engines. Not only that professional SEO services optimize your WordPress theme and…

How to Add a Floating Side Tab on WordPress Website? (Step by Step Guide)

Adding a floating side tab on the WordPress website can be a great way to make your WordPress website more accessible and usable. These sticky tabs work as an extra navigator for your website and allow you to engage your visitors with a different call-to-action button. Moreover, you can also place a subscription form, social…

Gutenberg Keyboard Shortcuts

Who does not want shortcuts to accomplish work? We all prefer the quickest way, Right? So, when it comes to the keyboard, definitely we want to speed up our work. In this article, we will discuss some handy WordPress keyboard shortcuts that can aid in accelerating your workflow and saving time. Unlike other editors, Gutenberg…

How to add a Viber/Messenger/WhatsApp/Skype Contact Button on the WordPress website? (Step by Step Guide)

If your site’s main goal is to attract customers, then you will need to make yourself available so that potential clients can easily contact you. There are several ways to do this like adding contact forms, emails, and many more. Among them all, the most trending and effective one is adding contact buttons on popular…