How to Add Scroll Depth Tracking in WordPress?

First of all, let us know ‘What is Scroll Depth Tracking?’ Scroll Depth Tracking is a Google Analytics Plugin that enables users to measure the scrolling done by users so far. It sends Google Analytics Events and monitors 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% scroll points. Scroll Depth Tracking is one of the most important things in web analytics. It has a very simple procedure and is equally effective so it must be in use. Adding Scroll Depth Tracking is much more important for sites that have heavy content.

Importance of Adding Scroll Depth Tracking:

Sometimes the writer doesn’t know what size of content the visitors prefer. As a result, many customers stop to visit their site. If there is the use of Scroll Depth then the site doesn’t have to lose its daily visitors. The writer can also decrease the length of the article if no users scroll up to the end of their article. It can work as a measurement tool to measure track user measurement. It also gives plenty of insights about the use of interaction on the site. It also helps to improve pages for optimal length.

Using Plugin to Add Scroll Depth Tracking

  • First of all, Login to the Dashboard of the site. Then Click on the button Plugins and then Add New. Search for the Plugin WP Scroll Depth. After getting the plugin Click on the button Install Now and Activate. If you have confused to install a Plugin then go through installing a new plugin on WordPress Site.



  • Now, Click on the button Settings. Among the various options Click on the button Scroll Depth to change all the plugin Settings.


  • The Default option will track all the pages on the WordPress Sites. So, directly Click on the button Save Changes to store all the settings of the plugin.



  • This WordPress Plugin uses jQuery to track all the scrolling done in the articles, tutorials, and blogs of the site. WP Scroll Depth plugin scrolls through the scroll points like 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%.
  • Lastly, view all the data under Real Time>>Events on the Google Analytics Dashboard.

Wrapping Up:

Adding Scroll Depth Tracking to the WordPress site brings out a meaningful and effective result. This is the shortest and simplest method of adding it. Instead of this plugin, users can use many other plugins. The working principle of almost all plugins is the same. I hope the information was useful. Please leave all of your recommendations, suggestions, and questions in the comment section below.

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