How to Build a Band Website? (WordPress)

Most networking in today’s music industry happens online. For aspiring bands, it’s crucial that you establish an online presence. You may already have multiple online social networking profiles, but that’s not always enough if you are waiting to be discovered. Most music industry reps and agents are looking for bands that have an established online presence, including a band website.

Your website will be the space that you use to promote your band, and your upcoming events, and give you a space to tell your story. While social media may get you noticed by new fans, industry brass will be looking for you on the web.

If you have no experience building a website, you can use a platform that allows you to self-build a site or hire a professional website builder. A website is a valuable marketing tool and will allow you to connect to other industry sites like Musician Authority to reach a larger audience. Let’s take a closer look at a few tips for building your brand website.

Build a Band Website WordPress
Build a Band Website WordPress

Choose a Platform

When building a website you will need to choose a platform. There are many different website-building sites available online. Choose from companies like Wix or Squarespace that will guide you step by step through the website-building process without the need to know how to program. Most site-building platforms only require you to click and drag components that you want to include in your site. Choose a well-known and reputable platform that will provide excellent service and keep your site up and running.

Fill in Your Pages

A website isn’t complete until you fill in all your pages. Most standard website templates will come with an optional About page and a Contact page. These pages are crucial to building an effective band webpage. Your About page is the space where you have the opportunity to tell your band’s story. Include details about how your band came together, your upcoming projects, and future goals. Your Contact page is a platform where your fans or potential clients and music professionals can reach out to you.

Load Your Photos

Never underestimate the power of high-quality photos on your band webpage. You may want to consider hiring a professional photographer to take a series of photos for your webpage. You can also have professional photos of your band playing live for your site. Your photos should be properly sized for your site and be high quality.

List Your Live Shows

Music sites like SoundCloud and Spotify have widgets that allow you to embed your songs onto your website. Your fans want to be able to listen to your songs when they visit your page. You can also load a sample of your live shows to your webpage using the Songkick Tour box so that your fans can see your band in action.

Stay Updated

As an artist and musician, it’s up to you to keep the spotlight on your band. You will need to keep your webpage updated with the correct contact information so that music professionals and fans can always reach you. Keep your content current with new photos, songs, and live shows to keep your fans coming back for more.

As a musician, your music will draw many people to discover what your brand has to offer. However, that’s not the only way to expand your reach in the music industry. Your band can enjoy these benefits by creating its own website for fans to enjoy.

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