How to Translate a WordPress Plugin in Your Language?

Despite, being an international language most people aren’t able to share the exact ideas in English. In the same case, if they are given with the opportunity to write blogs, tutorials, articles, or posts in a native language. They can perform work more efficiently and effectively. Knowing the problem of common users, WordPress offers multiple…

How to setup an attractive maintenance mode page on your WordPress website?

Do you want to display an attractive maintenance mode landing page on your WordPress website while you are carrying out the maintenance work? The maintenance mode page will display a user-friendly notice to your users instead of a broken site or 503 service unavailable responses. In this article, we will show you a short tutorial…

Shopify Vs WordPress: Which Is Better For Ecommerce In 2023?

Shopify or WordPress: Which one to select? You can get confused when it comes to selecting the best e-commerce platform. It is because there are so many e-commerce solutions available in the market. We will help you clear your doubts by discussing Shopify and WordPress in detail to see which is the best for eCommerce in the coming times.

Unlock Success with EightMedi: How to Launch a Medical Website in WordPress

Health is a very important part of our life. If there is any health problem then we directly consult with the doctors, pharmacists, nurses, or any other medical professionals because we have full trust in them. Therefore, the medical website can portray the level of trust, care, and compassion that you provide. The EightMedi is…