How to Disable the Trackback and Ping on WordPress Posts?
Many WordPress Beginners are unfamiliar with this word. So, first of all, let us know ‘What is Trackback and Ping on WordPress Post?’ Trackback and Ping are the way to notify the blog system that is linked to your website. Trackback must be created manually and sent an excerpt of the content. But, Ping is automated and it doesn’t send any kind of content. Not, all users need these features so WordPress allows the user to turn off this feature whenever required.
Why Disable Trackbacks and Pings?
The users who don’t want to be notified about blog systems or are disturbed can simply disable this feature. Not all WordPress Users and Beginners need to use this feature. So, they can remove the feature and its uses in a simple few steps. More than 90% of them are spam which doesn’t have any use but disturbs the users unnecessarily. This is the easiest way to get a backlink from their website.
A lot of users don’t have an idea about disabling WordPress Posts Trackbacks and Pings so they tolerate all the unnecessary spam. But, this is the task of a couple of steps. Check it out!
Way to Disable the Trackback and Ping on WordPress Posts?
- Users need to Click on the button Posts and then on All Posts to begin the process. Now Users can see Screen Options at the top right corner.

- Now enter 999 next to the option next to the Number of items per page. Then Click on the Button Apply. After reloading the posts list it will show the number of selected posts on the same page.

- Now, the user needs to select all the posts by Ticking the button next to the Title. The Title option is placed as the first option.

- Next, the user must Select the ‘Edit’ option from the Bulk Actions and Click on the Apply Button. To make it work Don’t forget to Click on the Button Apply.

- WordPress won’t show the option of bulk editing on the page. So, After seeing the pings option Click on the button ‘Do not Allow’. Finally, Click on the Update button to Save all the changes made.
- Some sites have more than 999 posts. In that case, the Users need to repeat the same steps for the remaining post for one more time.
Wrapping Up:
Disabling the trackback and Ping makes the site more effective and professional. The members of the website don’t need to deal with lots of spam. It keeps the site more informative and up to point. Doing this is easy. The users don’t need to install a plugin or use any kind of coding. The steps can be used by WordPress Beginners and experts as it is a task of a couple of steps. Hope the information was useful. Please leave the recommendations below. Feel free to share.
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