Introducing EightSec – Free WordPress One-page Theme

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Providing every important information from the single. This is what the One Page theme is all about. Having a one-page website has a huge advantage as your audience doesn’t have to visit different pages of your website. It is mobile-friendly and comfortable for the viewer. It needn’t be rich in the text but should have adequate images to deliver a huge message from little space. Visit the one-page website becomes more like a journey.

You need to be very careful when you choose the theme for your one-page website. Only the WordPress theme crafted for the one-page website can do it well. The developer should focus on the fluidity of the page. Easy navigation to different sections of the page is another big concern as one-page websites normally have a very long page. Themes should be clean-coded and best optimized for SEO.

EightSec is a free WordPress one-page theme handcrafted focusing on all the requirements of a one-page website. This theme with eight sections is ideal for businesses, portfolios, blogs, agencies, freelancers, and any modern website. It avails you with both full-width and boxed layouts. And, EightSec is fully responsive as well.

Major Features of EightSec

Fully Customizer Based

Setting up a website used to be a big headache as you wouldn’t know how’s your page going to look while you are customizing it in the backend. But with EightSec, it’s very easy it is fully customizer based. You can customize each part of your website from the Customizer. And, you’ll have the live preview of whatever customization you’re doing with the website. Keep playing with new content or data until you’re satisfied with how it looks. Save and Publish the customization when you’re happy with your customization. Isn’t it great?

Multi Web Layout

Which web layout do you want to use on your website? Boxed Layout or Full-Width Layout? EightSec has both options for you to choose from. You can choose whatever looks better for your website.


Slider is a very powerful way to create impression on the viewer. EightSec allows you to have a slider in the header. With the Pixelated view, the slider looks cool! With a title, subtitle, and button, this slider even works as a powerful Call to Action. You can take your viewer to another landing page and improve the conversion rate.


Creating a slider has been made very simple in EightSec. All you have to do is create a dedicated post category for the slider and create a post with the title, short catchy content, and a featured image. After creating slides as posts, select that post category for sliders from the Homepage Settings >> Slider Section menu of Customizer. You’ll immediately see a beautiful slider on your homepage. Great! Isn’t it?

If you want to use sliders on other different pages, you just have to install the Nivo Slider plugin which is recommended by the theme. This way, EightSec provides you with multiple choices for using sliders on your website.

Fully Responsive

EightSec is a fully responsive WordPress theme. It looks brilliant on mobile and tablets as well. Because of this, you needn’t worry about the user experience on different devices. And, you need not create different websites for different devices.

EightSec theme

Highly configurable homepage with 8 sections

You certainly would like to have your homepage very powerful with several necessary sections. It helps your audience to grasp all the basic information of your company/organization directly for the homepage. Having several attractive clickable sections which lead to other pages of your website reduces the bounce rate of your website as well.

EightSec has 8 different sections for your homepage. All of them can be customized from the Homepage Settings menu of your Customizer. That means you can customize your homepage easily with the facility of the live preview.

Slider Section

The slider section is the first section of your homepage. As we have discussed in detail about this section before, let’s move to the next section.

About Section

The about section is a very important part of your homepage. You may want to introduce the major areas your company or organization is working. Developers of EightSec know your expectation very well. And thus, have created an About section with a title, description, and 4 attractive blurbs. To create such an about section, you just have to create a page with a Title and Content which appears as the title and description of the About section. And, you need to create 4 posts under a specific category. After you do these tasks, you can set them for the About Section from the About Section menu of the Homepage Settings menu of the customizer. That’s it! Now, your attractive About section is ready.

About section

Portfolio Section

You may want to showcase your successful projects on your homepage to convince your audience. You can have the Portfolio section just below the About section after enabling this section from Customizer. The customization process is similar to that of the About section.

Call to Action Section

The parallax design in the Call to Action section of the EightSec theme is eye-catching which helps you to have a high conversion rate. You can take your audience to any page as per your requirement from the attractive transparent button.

Call to Action section

Blog Section

You can show 3 recent posts from the blog of your site in the Blog section of your homepage. The beautifully aligned grid view makes this section very impressive. And, you needn’t have a custom post type for the blog section of your website. You can do it simply with a dedicated post category. You can take your audience to the blog page (blog archive page) from the View more link of the blog section.

Team Section

Showing your team from your website not only encourages your team members to work efficiently, but also builds trust towards your company/organization in the first impression. So, you’d certainly want to present your team in the elegant team section. EightSec enables you to do it beautifully where you can show 3 team members on your homepage and other team members on the Team archive page. You have a ‘View More’ button just below the title to send your viewers to the Team archive page.

Team section

Testimonial Section

You can show recommendations from your happy clients or customers from the Testimonial section of your home page. The automated slider has made it easier to set up.

Contact Section

At the end of your one-page website, you may certainly want to add a contact section. And, it’s very easy to put the form in the section. All you have to do is install Ultimate form builder or any other form-building WordPress plugin and put the shortcode of the form you created in the contact section menu at Customizer.

Fully Customizable header

EightSec enables you to customize your website header completely. You can choose to show or hide the Search icon in the header. If you would like to have Searched, you can choose the placeholder text of the Search box. You can choose the Search button text as well.

You can choose to keep or remove the navigation menu in the header. And, most importantly, you can even align the logo of your website.

Compatible with WooCommerce and bbPress

You can create an online store with the EightSec theme as it is fully compatible with WooCommerce. Or if you need to create Forum, you can use the bbPress plugin seamlessly. This enables you to use the EightSec theme for wide purposes.

Online Support

You aren’t alone when you get into any trouble with the theme implementation for your website. Our online support team is always ready to help you. You can contact our support team from the online chat feature on our website or through email.


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Wrapping Up

Unicon Lite is truly very powerful and feature-rich One page WordPress theme. You can use it for multiple purposes as it integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce and bbPress. Besides, it is highly customizable and easily configurable WordPress theme. Online support provided by 8degreethemes is really awesome and thus makes your website building process much easier. So, we highly recommend EightSec theme for your one page WordPress website.

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