6 Secrets to Creating Captivating Business Logos for your WordPress Website

Do you have a WordPress website that requires a great business logo? A captivating business logo can be an amazing addition to your WordPress website and adds value to your business. A well-put-together logo is a rewarding representation of the business’ image. The design process does not require you to have a creative mind. You…

5 Ways to Appear in Google Answer Boxes with Your WordPress Site

Do you wish your site’s article to appear in Google Answer Boxes? Every individual wishes so, as it drives the attention of searchers towards your site instead of your competitor’s site. The article must be able to provide the necessary information immediately to get listed by Google. Not only texts but the corresponding pictures should…

7 Basic tips to reduce the loading time of your WordPress blog

The performance/speed of a WordPress site or blog plays a pivotal role in determining its usability and accessibility in the long run. The loading time of a blog can dramatically impact your site’s online ranking and conversion. In a shootdown of various tests, it’s concluded that a visitor might leave your site if your blog…

Everything You Need To Know About WordPress Custom Page Templates

WordPress was launched in May 2003. And then came along the series of revolutions that changes website development forever. WordPress Custom Page Template is one of them. Before the launch, it was awkwardly typical to develop and maintain a website theme. With the launch of WordPress, website development and maintenance became easy to handle. This…