Here’s What You Need In Your Blog For Your Freelance Business

New freelancers always ask me how they can convince clients to pay for their services if they have no experience. What can they use as a portfolio if they haven’t ever been paid for work?

I tell them to create a website for their business and use its blog as their portfolio. The thing about freelancing is that you’re not applying for jobs. You’re offering your services. That’s what separates you from a part-time employee. And when offering a service you don’t need to show your CV. You simply need proof you can provide the service.

A good blog shows that you can provide the service – writing that is engaging, informative, and shareable. Still, many freelancers don’t know what to put in their blog. What follows is what you need for a freelance blog that works as a portfolio.

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Blog about your niche

A successful freelance writer needs to pick a niche. Without one, you’ll struggle to convince anyone that you’re the right person for a big job. But picking a niche is not what this article is about. For that, check out some other resources.

By blogging about topics in your niche, you are proving you can do the work your clients want. Informative, engaging articles that provide value show that you have what it takes to write the content they need. So, if you are in the healthcare niche, write about current healthcare trends. If your niche is financial, write about economics.

However, that’s not all you should write about.

Blog about marketing

Your niche may be in marketing, but even if it’s not, you need to blog about it. This is because what you are selling as a freelance writer is content that can be used in a marketing strategy. In other words, companies want blogs to bring in customers with inbound clicks, as well as to prove that they have expertise in the field.

Blogging about content marketing shows potential clients that not only are you good at writing about your niche, but you’re savvy enough to write strategically as well.

Marketing may not be what you want to write about at all, but freelance writing is not about writing what you want. By choosing a niche, you are putting yourself into a position to get jobs that coincide with your interests, but ultimately, you write what is best for the client. The same should apply to you. In your website’s blog, write what is best for your freelance business. The quality of the jobs you get will make up for any frustration you feel at having to write these blogs posts.

Your website’s blog can serve as the perfect portfolio and almost negates the need to prove you have prior experience. Use it to position yourself as the person to take potential clients’ businesses to the next level.

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